
Research Topics

The lab is involved in a number of projects creating novel medical devices.  A number of these devices are focused on capturing human motion and providing biofeedback to clinicians and patients for training, injury prevention, and diagnostics.  These include:

  • A low cost system for providing biofeedback of lumbar-pelvic coordination 
  • Biofeedback of lumbar mobilization for training physical therapists
  • Quantification of tissue properties during lumbar mobilization
  • Quantification of applied force during delivery with shoulder dystocia

Other medical devices developed by the lab include:

  • A medication transfer device to prevent contamination
  • A solenoid occlusion device
  • A method to control drainage in glaucoma drainage devices


Olig, E. M., Wilson, S., and Reddy, M., 2023, “Output Force and Ratio of Laparoscopic Graspers: An Evaluation of Operating Room Ergonomics,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 229(3), pp. 307-e1.

Mehyar, F., Wilson, S. E., Staggs, V. S., Aoyagi, K., and Sharma, N. K., 2020, “Quantifying Lumbar Mobilization With Inertial Measurement Unit,” Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 43(2), pp. 114–122.

Teo, T. H., Ramani, A., Munden, P. M., Wilson, S. E., Kieweg, S. L., and Dougherty, R. L., 2018, “Validation of an Experimental Setup to Reliably Simulate Flow Through Nonvalved Glaucoma Drainage Devices,” Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, 1(4), p. 041001.

Waller, Stephen, Wilson, Sara Ellen, McDaniel, Katrina Lynn, Clough, Lisa Ann, Soltys, Joseph: Medication Access Device For Prevention Of Medication Reservoir Contamination. University Of Kansas, Publication Date: 9/12/2017, US Patent US9757307 B2.

Waller, Stephen, Rollando, Alyssa, Gilroy, Richard, Johnson, Phillip, Stiles, James, Wilson, Sara Ellen: Solenoid Occlusion Device. University of Kansas, Publication Date: 3/3/2020, US Patent US10575839 B2. and Publication Date: 10/25/2022, US Patent US11478236 B2.

During cyclic lifting tasks, it has been found that novice lifters can assume highly kyphotic postures relative to their range of motion while experienced lifters assume more neutral postures.  Such postures could contribute to the etiology of low back injuries.  In this research, these patterns of spine motion coordination are investigated.  Using biofeedback, training tools are being developed that could help patients learn more neutral lifting strategies.  Muscle activation and energetics during these lifting patterns is also being investigated.


Riley, A. E., Craig, T. D., Sharma, N. K., Billinger, S. A., and Wilson, S. E., 2015, “Novice Lifters Exhibit A More Kyphotic Lifting Posture Than Experienced Lifters In Straight-Leg Lifting,” J Biomech, 48(10), pp. 1693–1699.

Maduri, A., Pearson, B. L., and Wilson, S. E., 2008, “Lumbar–Pelvic Range and Coordination during Lifting Tasks,” Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 18(5), pp. 807–814.

Exposure to whole vibration can impact proprioception (the ability of the body to sense joint posture).  In a series of studies, we have found that exposure to vibration can make it more difficult to sense spine posture and increase the time required to respond to unexpected postural disturbances.  This change in neuromotor control could be a factor in the etiology of low back injuries in occupations with vibration exposure.  


Soltys, J. S., and Wilson, S. E., 2008, “Directional Sensitivity of Velocity Sense in the Lumbar Spine,” J Appl Biomech, 24(3), pp. 244–251.

Li, L., Lamis, F., and Wilson, S. E., 2008, “Whole-Body Vibration Alters Proprioception in the Trunk,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 38(9–10), pp. 792–800.

Arashanapalli, M., and Wilson, S. E., 2008, “Paraspinal Muscle Vibration Alters Dynamic Motion of the Trunk,” J Biomech Eng, 130(2), p. 021001.

Dr. Wilson has collaborated with graduate students and engineering faculty colleagues on a number of projects to improve engineering education.  These have included developing mechatronics educational experiences, addressing evolving educational challenges such as generative AI, and developing materials to supportall students within the classroom.


Wilson, S., and Nishimoto, M., 2024, “Assessing Learning of Computer Programming Skills in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence,” J Biomechanical Engineering, 146 (5), pp. 051003.

Wilson, S. E., 2023, “Mechatronics Research Projects: Engaging First-Generation Students and Others,” Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD.

Wilson, S. E., 2021, “Exploring Hypothesis-Driven Research Using Arduino Boards and Matlab,” Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Exemplary Teaching Collection, Science Education Resource Center.

McVey, M., Luchies, C. W., Wilson, S. E., Maletsky, L. P., and Liu, L., 2020, “Student Success in Mechanical Engineering: Utilizing Data to Understand Success for Underrepresented Groups,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference.

Burke, A. K. R., and Wilson, S. E., 2020, “Design-Based Doctoral Education in Bioengineering,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142(2), pp. 110801.

McVey, M. A., Bennett, C. R., Collins, W. N., Lequesne, R., Luchies, C. W., Wilson, S. E., Sutley, E. J., Fadden, M. F., and Melgares, C., 2018, “Board 45: Peer Mentoring for All: Investigating the Feasibility of a Curricular-Embedded Peer Mentoring Structure,” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.